[List] 25th Annual HDAA Christmas Party

Cecil Stokes (HDAA) cstokes at hdaa.info
Sun Dec 8 22:54:29 EST 2019


A group of 46 of us enjoyed lunch together on 12/7/19. Photos can be 
viewed at:

  * https://hdaa.smugmug.com/2019-Events/2019-HDAA-Christmas-Luncheon/ and
  * https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.2612757062103363&type=3

If you haven't visited these pages previously:

  * The pw for Smugmug is the surname of our long-time general manager
    (like 1960s through early '80s) -- seven lower-case letters.
  * For access to the Facebook page ask an active member to add you.


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