Patti pattikat2 at aol.com
Sun Mar 8 16:23:47 EDT 2020

Monday, 3/9/20 is the deadline for letting Don Royston know whether or not you plan to attend the Spring Breakfast.  He may be contacted at: 256-539-4338 or email: edjnr89 at comcast.net.  Don needs to provide an accurate head-count for Brookdale @ Jones Farm so that appropriate food items may be acquired.
The breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, 3/14/20, with an 08:30 social time and breakfast buffet being served ~09:00.  Remember:  There is NO COST for this breakfast! 
Don called to state that he only has 22 currently signed up (versus our normal 45-60).  Don't let the coronavirus scare you away.  Just use common sense:  keep hands properly washed with soap/water throughout your day, hands away from face unless immediately after washing.  And, it might be a good idea to fist-bump/elbow-bump rather than our usual good Southern hugs when greeting friends/neighbors.
Hope we see you there!
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