[List] Save the Morning of June 12 for Thiokol Greenway Dedication

Cecil Stokes cstokes at hiwaay.net
Sun May 23 16:39:47 EDT 2021

        Spread the Word: *Dedication of the Thiokol Greenway the Morning
        of June 12.*

        Mayor Battle will dedicate the new Thiokol Greenway to the
        people of the Huntsville Division of Thiokol who accomplished
        great things. All those people and particularly those who
        contributed to the memorial plaque and benches will be honored.
        All alumni and their families are urged to attend. Get the word
        to children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of former
        Thiokol employees of this dedication of the Thiokol Greenway
        just outside Gate 3, where many Thiokol employeess entered
        Redstone Arsenal.

The best parking will be at Bell Mountain Park on Redstone Road. The 
historic plaque and patio are about 0.6 mile up the Greenway walkway 
from the park. It's a pleasant walk for most but will be a comfortable 
ride for those not able to walk that far, courtesy of Harold Whitesides. 
Bell Mountain relates to the family of Duncan Bell and Morris Bell of 
the Huntsville division.

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