[List] Fwd: Memorial service via Zoom for Nita Boyd Saturday, June 18 @10:30am CT

Cecil Stokes cstokes at hiwaay.net
Sat May 14 10:14:17 EDT 2022


Here in the attached email message is an invitation to an on-line 
memorial service for our Nita Boyd the morning of June 18.

This service will use Zoom, which many of us have enjoyed for HDAA 
meetings and events among many things over the past couple of years. 
Help is available if this is difficult for you. Help setting up Zoom and 
getting together for the service are possibilities.

What do you think?


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Memorial service via Zoom for Nita Boyd Saturday, June 18 
@10:30am CT
Date: 	Fri, 13 May 2022 17:25:00 -0700
From: 	Amanda <amanda.davis.home at cox.net>
To: 	Cecil Stokes <cstokes at hiwaay.net>
CC: 	Joel Boyd <joel.boyd at coast2coastcoatings.com>

Invitation from Nita's Daughter

"... In light of the fact that we were not able to have the memorial 
service for my sweet mother, we have decided to do a memorial in her 
honor on what would have been her 83rd birthday, June 18, Saturday.

"Would you please share this information with the friends at Thiokol? We 
plan to play a video of pictures of her throughout her life and then we 
will have a few family members honor her with their memories. I would 
like to invite anyone that would like to share a memory to please do so 
with all of us during the memorial.

"Details: Amanda Davis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

"Topic: Nita Boyd - Memorial Service (Forever in our Hearts)
Time: Jun 18, 2022 10:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

"Join Zoom Meeting

"Meeting ID: 255 030 7452
Passcode: Nita

*****For those that don’t have Zoom, they can download it here. It is 
free to set up an account.


With warm regards,
Amanda Davis
Joel Boyd
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