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<p>Our fellow HD alum and friend Bill Stephens (William David
Stephens) apparently took a fall, was hospitalized, and spent
final days in nursing care near his daughter in Bloomington,
Indiana. <br>
class="x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs x1xmvt09 x1lliihq x1s928wv xhkezso x1gmr53x x1cpjm7i x1fgarty x1943h6x xudqn12 x3x7a5m x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"
class="x193iq5w xeuugli x13faqbe x1vvkbs x1xmvt09 x6prxxf xvq8zen xo1l8bm xzsf02u"><span><i>Daughter
Jenny has confirmed this sad news and says that her
brother Dan is developing a suitable obituary. </i></span></span></span></p>
You may recall Dr. Stephens as a propellant chemist who left Thiokol
to work for ARC and then returned to Huntsville as the Director of
the Army's Propulsion Lab. He moved just over the line to Tennessee
a few years ago when he and wife Katherine separated. Bill was quite
an international adventurer.<br>