[List] Update on HDAA Zoom Event Saturday at 11:00 a.m. -- corrected

Cecil Stokes cstokes at hiwaay.net
Tue Dec 1 01:29:07 EST 2020


It's coming together! The 2020 virtual version of our traditional 
December HDAA social event and business meeting is becoming a reality. 
And, our favorite football teams have thoughtfully left open our 11:00 
a.m. slot this coming Saturday morning (12/5/20).

Highly acclaimed musicians Lisa Duncan Williams, Benny Pitsinger, and 
Allen Pendleton are practicing about five songs for this "virtual 
Thiokol shindig." Lisa says it will be a new (and fun) experience for 

Other talented musicians Philip Franklin, Jamie Neidert, Glenn Hamer, 
and Joey Reed are practicing a couple of Christmas songs that are not so 
well known - for novelty and interest purposes Jamie says. These "four 
former Thiokol/Huntsville Dudes" are daring Zoom  to resist their efforts.

Tom Bryant and Gerald Roberts have a sufficient slate of candidate 2021 
HDAA officers and 2021-23 board members for us to approve (hopefully) 
and there are still openings to be filled if we can twist more arms. We 
believe Charlie Thomas will have a favorable financial summary and that 
Glenn Webb will have us a great update on the Thiokol Greenway.

Liz Zeman has volunteered to lead a discussion for those interested. She 
usually has fascinating ideas.

The exact schedule is still fluid, but it's coming together!

The current Zoom link (and detailed input if needed) is below. But, be 
watching for a final update Friday.

If you have not used Zoom before: it is a good time to learn. A 
follow-up message will offer more information for beginners. And, times 
for practice and problem solving are listed below.

Do plan to join in the fun!!!


Cecil Stokes is inviting you to scheduled Zoom meeting.


    Topic: HDAA Trial Runs
    Time: This is a recurring meeting. Trial runs are planned as follows:

      o Tuesday 12/1/20 -- 2:00 p.m. for about 30 minutes or as long as
        help is needed
      o Wednesday 12/2/20 -- 10:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. for about 30
        minutes or as long as help is needed
      o Thursday 12/3/20 -- 10:00 a.m. for about 30 minutes;
        6:30 p.m.reserved for practice by musicians
      o Friday 12/4/20 -- 10:00 a.m. for about 30 minutes or as long as
        help is needed
      o other times as requested

activate Zoom.

If it does not work with just a click: copy the line above and paste it 
into your internet browser (Edge, Internet-Explorer, Firefox, Opera, or 
Siri) address window and hit enter.

The following is the basic meeting information, but it will probably not 
be needed.

Meeting ID: 488 931 5638
Passcode: 48zzLB

One tap mobile (no experience with this one)
+16465588656,,4889315638#,,,,,,0#,,922787# US (New York)
+13017158592,,4889315638#,,,,,,0#,,922787# US (Washington D.C)

Or, if all you have is an old-type phone: Dial in to your closest location
         +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
         +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
         +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
         +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
         +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 488 931 5638
Passcode: 922787

But, do note that these dial-in numbers are not 800 numbers.

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