Patti pattikat2 at aol.com
Thu Mar 10 18:29:17 EST 2022

Due to the threat of inclement  weather (winter weather advisory), Brookdale has asked us to reschedule the breakfast to a later date.  They fear inclement weather might reduce their necessary complement of staffing to adequately cook/serve the meal to attendees.  The Board agreed, as well as wanting none of the attendees to be put in harm's way due to weather conditions.
Bill Barnes, Spring Breakfast committee chairman, has asked that this notice be sent out, as well as a notice on the HDAA Facebook site.  And, he and a few others are trying to call all of the attendees who've already made reservations.
When a decision is made on a possible future date for this favorite event, it will be rescheduled and a notice submitted.  
We are sorry if this has caused any undue inconvenience for you, but, we'd rather be safe than sorry.  
(If this notice is a duplicate of a notice already posted by another Board member, advance apology offered!)
Patti Wilson

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